- SoudanNFT Founder & Representative
- Love Addicted Girls Representative
- Very Long CNP advisor
- NFT KYOTO Representative
- NFT collector
SoudanNFT is the largest community of NFT creators and collectors in Japan.
We are working for the further development of NFT through community management, production of NFT projects, collaboration, and other activities.
SoudanNFTは、日本最大級のNFTクリエイターとコレクターによって創られたコミュニティです。 コミュニティの運営、NFTプロジェクトの制作、協業等々、NFTの一層の発展のために活動をしています。
SoudanNFT has grown into one of Japan's largest "NFT communities" by selling "LoveAddictedGirls" a reveal type generative art NFT and collaborating with domestic and international projects and creators.
We have encouraged the creation of world-class NFT projects from Japan by widely sharing our knowledge on the selection of technologies necessary for NFT project management and community management through "Consultation".
SoudanNFT, Inc. was established to maintain our vision of "providing consultation to anyone, anytime, for the development of NFT," and to establish a system that can also provide consultation to "companies" as well as to individuals.
SoudanNFT Inc. offers various advisory services related to NFT, cooperative production of NFT projects, and partial outsourcing services to "help companies enter the NFT business".
We are working to establish NFT brands with a global presence by launching not only LAG projects but also multiple NFT projects and creating an ecosystem of mutual collaboration.
We are primarily active on Discord and Twitter. We invite you to join our community and experience the fun of NFT!
Love Addicted Girls with BIGLOVE (a.k.a. LAG) is a collection of 4,000 generative NFTs produced by the SoudanNFT community.
It has become one of the most advanced projects in Japan for the type of generative art NFT that builds community on a large scale. The LAG characters have been successfully connected with many projects in Japan and abroad, and have attracted attention from around the world, especially from Chinese-speaking countries, and have been developed into IP such as Vtuber debuts, digital figure production, and collaborations with museums and various companies.
Love Addicted Girls with BIGLOVE(a.k.a.LAG)は、SoudanNFTコミュニティによって制作された、4,000枚のジェネレイティブNFTコレクションです。
コミュニティを大規模に構築するタイプのジェネラティブ・アート・NFTとしては日本国内で最も先行したプロジェクトの1つとなりました。 その実績から国内外、多数のプロジェクトとのコネクション形成に成功し、中国語圏を中心としたファンも多く世界から注目されています。LAGキャラクターのVtuberデビューやデジタルフィギュアの制作といったIP展開、美術館や各種企業と のコラボレーション等、様々な展開がされています。
AstarPrince is a collection of 8888 handsome men, created by SoudanNFT, and represent pioneers, challengers, and explorers.
We have expertise in community management, NFT design and marketing, and IP deployment through SoudanNFT's community management. We have been receiving a lot of requests from companies in recent years. Please feel free to contact us.
We will be happy to provide advice and assistance with a view to the development of NFT in Japan. Please contact us via SoudanNFT Discord or Twitter DM.